3 thoughts on “Pcompress Links

  1. Gonzalo Muñoz

    Hi Moinak! I’ve been trying to compile pcompress but it has become a little outdated over the time and now it’s very difficult to produce a working copy (https://encode.su/threads/1639-pcompress-a-deduplication-compression-utility?p=61856&viewfull=1#post61856).

    So I was wondering if you could maybe post a distro-agnostic, statically-linked binary here. That is, if you don’t want to resume working on it, which would of course be really great 😉

    Thanks in advance!

    1. moinakg Post author

      I will start working on it. Want to convert the build system to autoconf first so all these issues are avoided.

  2. Gonzalo Muñoz

    Thanks! I’m looking forward to test it. Thank you for your efforts!
    Apologies for the late reply. I didn’t follow the blog, although I do follow the repo to catch any changes.

    BTW, might I suggest you to look at an interesting source? It’s fastlzma2, by Conor McCarthy, which is lzma2 using a radix sort match finder that radically improves compression time without affecting the ratio. It’s especially useful to escalate CPU count without blowing up RAM usage. You might want to consider it as a replacement for mt-lzma2, since it usually allows for faster and less resource-intensive processing while maintaining csize and dspeed.

    You can find it here: https://github.com/conor42/fast-lzma2/tree/dev
    It is implemented in here too:


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